Sunday, September 13, 2009

Second week of School!

So far school isnt as bad as i thought it would be. i always imagined getting tons and tons of papers to do and tests to take. so far its not that bad. but enough talking about schoolwork. This week a few of my friends and i decided to start a friendly game of 'touch' football, which ended with two bruised legs and a broken nail. so much for no tackling. Speaking of football, being from jersey i have always been surrounded by some of the most hardcore Giants fans around. Here, everyone seems to be Eagles fans. all up and down the dorms Eagles signs are posted up and jerseys warn every sunday. me personally, i love watching football in general so i dont really have a favorite team. But, i do have one team that i just love to see loose. and that would be the Giants. no offense to any hardcore Giants fanatics but i just dont care for them. yes, they probably won more superbowls than i can count on one hand, but ive been surrounded by Giants fans all my life and i just love seeing them get knocked off there little pedestal. its just that its nice to see the underdog win sometimes. Well thats all for now!


  1. yea i dont know where the whole, college is going to be so hard idea came from. In my opinion, its almost easier than highschool

  2. woot, underdog wins are so much more exciting
